Frequently Asked Questions

Will my Membership Fee pay for itself?

That’s a big part of our plan

On top of helping you reduce or eliminate the “woke” in your life – Defunding the Woke – we seek to expose all the hidden fees often embedded in investment accounts that make both the financial firms who sell products as well as the portfolio managers rich.  Many people don’t realize that on top of what are often already unnecessarily high fees to Portfolio Managers (who, themselves, often have multiple ways of making money), additional fees are added into typical investment accounts that are easily reduced or avoided.

Why a  $1,000 Membership Fee?

We hope to reduce the current fees you pay and/or increase the investment performance to cover this fee.
We intentionally set this figure as low as we possibly can, in order to encourage as many as possible to move quickly to Defund the Woke – at present, bad actors are using investors’ money in bad ways to

It is our objective to at least cover the Membership cost; we’ll do this in many possible ways.  In addition to our objective to “Defund the Woke,” we intend to strip out fees commonly found in mainstream Finance, making Membership revenue neutral, or better.  In addition, there is significant evidence indicating that Portfolio Managers who are not “woke” are doing better than those who are; many are reporting higher investment returns.  If we can take money away from anti-West, anti-American, Globalist, “woke” companies and at the same time fund good companies you can be proud to own and generate good returns for investors, we’ve done well!  The $1,000 helps us cover costs and overhead, continue to do our research, expand our reach, and provide growing services to Members.  After year one the fee is refundable at any time, on a pro-rata basis, meaning that a portion will be returned to you upon cancelation that is equal to the number of remaining days in the year.

Can I keep my current Advisor/Broker/Planner/Agent?


We recommend showing him or her the research and suggestions coming from Membership.  Depending upon their employer and willingness to act in an independent fashion, and their perspective of current economic climate, they may agree and help you to get the woke-Left out of your investment portfolio.  However, you should be prepared for them to try to keep you in the same investments roughly everyone else is it, which is overwhelmingly Globalist, Mega-Cap companies that score well on the Corporate Equity Index (think of the Corporate Equity Index (CEI) like a Social Credit Score for corporations.  If you bring up things like CEI, ESG, CRT/DEI with your Advisor and he/she 1) doesn’t have a good answer, 2) doesn’t understand what they are, or 3) encourages you to do the same thing everyone else is doing and invest in such harmful things, consider leaving that Advisor for another.  Part of your Membership is introduction to vetted, non-woke Financial Advisors.

It's important to remember that it’s your money, and your values!

Very much like Doctors from corporate hospital systems are pressured into “protocols” for their patients which may be more profit-driven than healthy, Financial Advisors – especially those with ties to Wall Street – are pressured into (woke) products.  This environment is often pay-to-play.

I’m a Financial Advisor, can I start a Financial PMA?


If you’re an Advisor who is tired of being told what products and services to sell to your clients and sometimes question corporate behaviors and their instructions,  or suspect that your clients’ personal information may be data-mined, establishing your own PMA in order to more directly/privately help your clients may be the right answer.

Bonus: there may be great ways in which we can collaborate, which is often forbidden in the consolidating, asset-gathering world of Big-Box Finance.

Who is a good fit for Financial PMA?

Awake, Patriots, anti-Communists, critical thinkers, common sense advocates, and those who question the integrity and implications of advice they’re given from Globalist mega-corporations or government.

People who know that the United States is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy – and why this distinction is important.

People who question mindlessly sending children to government-schools;

Anyone who now questions the integrity of their Doctor’s advice;

People who’ve decided against mass-manufactured foods and want to eat healthy, taking nutrition knowledge into their own hands;

People who resisted the Covid shots, or maybe stopped and began to question after one or two;

People who read nutrition labels and grow their own food.

People who’ve switched to Home Education, Private Doctors, and/or Homeopathic for smarter, better health.

People who rely on Brave rather than Google and switched from legacy media to real, informative news.

People who join AMAC instead of AARP and support the U.S. Constitution.

…these are people who question the narrative; the “how to think” people and not the “what to think” types.

Can I leave the PMA?


You can leave the PMA at any time.  After the first year, any unused portion of your annual dues will be returned on a pro-rata basis (meaning that a portion of the annual dues will be returned to you based upon the remaining number of days in the year).

Why “UnWoke” for the name?

The name was sort of by accident.  It was originally meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek humor to attract attention to what many consider to be undue and politically motivated influence on Finance.  However, the name has stuck and has survived several opinion polls considering other names.

When Founder Jonathan Broadbent first began discussing what he saw as far-Left political influences being cast upon the world of Finance, the word “woke” was being widely used to describe similar influence upon other pillars of society, such as education, hiring, pop-culture, and many other places, so he began referring to countering this inappropriate influence as “UnWoke” and it stuck. 

Have questions of your own that aren't answered here? Send in your questions, we'll answer them directly and post answers here, for all to see/share (exceptions may include anyone opposed to our PMA. We will not share their comments or questions). 

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Defund the "woke"

All information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website and associated with UnWoke.Academy are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various financial topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for financial advice. Always seek the advice of your financial advisor or other qualified financial professional with any questions you may have regarding any potential purchase, sale, deposit, or investment. Never disregard professional financial advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

On our website, social media, videos, and general communications, may occasionally make comparative references to financial services products, platforms, and providers, for the purpose of market comparison. We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with these companies/products or any of their subsidiaries or its affiliates - unless expressly noted. 
We seek to maintain and provide a list of organizations to which we may derive income; this list is available to Members any time, upon request.

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